since 2017
YS Apps Factory
Thank you for using my app. I welcome your idea to improve my app.
(アプリをご利用頂きありがとうございます。 アプリを改善するアイデアは大歓迎です。)

~ Our Products ~
Childcare (育児)

Perfect Pitch Zero (ゼロ歳からの絶対音感トレーニング)
I made an application that only makes it run over so that I can train even from the time I can not play games by moving my hands.

Smile-Shutter-Camera (笑顔シャッターカメラ)
Don't miss the whimsical baby's smile! (きまぐれな赤ちゃんの笑顔を逃さない!)

Misic (音楽)

Piano Chord Judge (ピアノコード判定)
If you push the keyboard, the app judge the chord.

Play a movie loop. reverse, slow speed, high speed...

Humming Score (鼻歌作曲)
Make a score by humming.

Static BPM Analyzer
The tempo (BPM: Beats per Minutes) of the sound input from the file in the music library. It is not a type that taps manually to measure.
(ミュージックライブラリの音楽ファイルからテンポ(BPM: Beats per Minutes)を自動的に計測します。手動でタップして計測するタイプではありません)

Realtime Auto BPM Watcher
The tempo (BPM: Beats per Minutes) of the sound input from the microphone is automatically measured. It is not a type that taps manually to measure.
(マイクから入力された音声のテンポ(BPM: Beats per Minutes)を自動的に計測します。手動でタップして計測するタイプではありません)

Hit the space around you, then the drum sounds.
Tool/Business/Study (ツール/仕事/勉強)

Offline Dictation (オフライン書き起こし)
Transcribe voice safely and securely without network connection.

Follow Manage for Twitter (Twitter用フォロー管理)
Manage your follow on Twitter! You can search a user in your following list.
Music For iPad (音楽 iPad用)

Piano Chord Judge for iPad (ピアノコード判定 for iPad)
If you push the keyboard, the app judge the chord.

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